Balance in all things

Buddha searched the world For love he had not known In temples and in gardens He wandered all alone

He saw the joy of lovers And the pain of broken hearts He watched as passion flared And then fell apart

He wondered at the beauty Of a flower in full bloom And pondered on the nature Of love’s sweet perfume

But Buddha was not content To simply watch and wait He longed to find his soulmate And share his enlightened state

And so he journeyed on With an open heart and mind And in the end, he found What he had been inclined

For love was not outside But within his very soul And when he learned to love himself He found love could make him whole

Buddha found his true love In the stillness of his heart And with each passing moment His love would never depart

So let us learn from Buddha And seek love within ourselves For when we find that love Our hearts will surely swell.

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